Tuesday, December 13, 2011


This will be my 1st guide, Bloodseeker, as available in both DotA and Dota 2.

Bloodseeker is a swift and agile hero that is able to kill almost any type of hero easily.

There are various type of play style for Bloodseeker so I'll talk about all 3 of my builds.

1) Carry-type Bloodseeker

This is the recommended and preferred by worldwide players. (not my type unless necessary)
Bloodseeker will play as a DPS hero (Damage per second)
By doing this, you must stick to your lane and get creep kills really fast.

Item Build ( orders depending on necessity in-game )
1)Power Threads
2)Wraith Bands (Later converted to SangeAndYasha or Manta Style)
3)Wraith Bands
4)Magic Wand
6)Empty slot for TP scroll or Aegis

The Wraith bands and Magic wands can later be converted to any type of items you want.

Key aspect in this build:
1) Farm a lot, less gankings
2) Deny a lot (this is in order to stay in lane, will discuss about this)

skill build in this carry build:
1)Max Blood Bath (level 1,3,5,7/8)
2)up Bloodrage for 1 level only to silence enemy heroes, max it when your base damage is high enough (level 2, your level when you get damage based items)
3)Max Strygwyr's Thirst after BloodBath (level 4,7/8,9,10)
4)up Rupture according to level. (Level 6,11,16)
5)The rest into stats

Videos are better than pics and words put together.. Will try and upload 1 if I have time.

Thats all for today.. Build 2 and 3 will be coming soon.
Stay tuned

Introduction about myself

Hi there, My name is Ethan Liew and I'm from Malaysia. 19 this year. Male of course. Single(LOL).

As you can see here, my grasp of English language isn't that good compared to you guys out there.

I've been playing DotA for 5-6 years now,(yeap started dota since around 14 or 15 years old) so I know basically how to play almost all heroes, with or without styles.

so I've decided to share with you my skills of DotA that can be applied in Dota 2 as well. Enjoy.

Yeah, if you wanna ask whats my favourite and best hero, its Phoenix btw.